Sunday, February 10, 2013

See How the Lord Works!

Again, I am in awe at how the Lord brings new people into our lives.  And we didn't even ask.  Just the day before we were to arrive in Chicago, Nancy, the Alumni Director, sent me an email saying that "some alumni was offering her home to anyone who would like to stay with them instead of paying for a hotel room during Founder's Week."  Well, that was a "no-brainer" for Glenn and me.

Thanks ClarLyn for your gracious hospitality!

And then on top of that, we were able to meet other new friends who were staying with ClarLyn also.  It was good to meet Bonnie and Amos also.

We had several FULL days at Moody, re-connecting with old friends, making new ones, having dinner with old classmates, talking with new Moody student about their upcoming summer internships with Camino, and even staying our last day with old friends from Foster Avenue Baptist Church I knew as a MBI student years ago.

Again, my heart is blessed to see how the Lord puts old friends (Thanks Pam and Ken) and new friends (Thank you, ClarLyn, David, Bonnie, Amos) in our lives to encourage us on our journey.  I am reminded that I can be "intentional" with relationships (old and new) and that the Lord puts folks in our pathway to bless us by offering us housing, a warm meal and a pleasant smile.
Thank you, Lord!


  1. wow...we made the blog! :) preserved forever in the archives of Small World..Big Family. What an honor! Felt like we were 19 again that evening. So glad we could accommodate your "snow fix" too.

  2. Having dinner with "old" classmates??? HA!!!
